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Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce Expresses Deep Concern for potential PSAC-CIU Strike

The Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce (The Chamber) is deeply concerned about a potential strike by PSAC-CIU personnel starting as early as this Friday. The Chamber has sent a letter to both the National President of PSACCIU, Mark Weber, and the Hon. Anita Anand, President of the Treasury Board outlining concerns for the business community of Windsor-Essex and other impacted regions.

“Any strike by PSAC-CIU workers is going to have a major impact in our region, especially for local businesses” said Rakesh Naidu, Chamber President & CEO. “Businesses that rely on a smooth and timely flow of cross-border goods and services could face significant challenges from this job action, including the automotive sector, which is heavily dependent on ‘just-in-time’ logistics.”

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Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce Partners with Integris to Provide Members with Immigration Assistance

The Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce is delighted to announce a new partnership with Integris: Immigration and Recruitment Consultants to provide Chamber members with a comprehensive solution for international hiring and immigration consulting services. Chamber members will receive special pricing on the platform and a variety of additional benefits associated with their immigration needs. This partnership comes after an extensive review of submissions from our recent request for proposals.

“We know that businesses are feeling the challenges of a tight labour market and skilled worker shortages” said Chamber CEO Rakesh Naidu. “The service offered by Integris Group to Chamber members will be a great tool in helping them address those challenges by opening their doors to hire international talent with the right skill sets for their job vacancies.”

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Ontario’s Tourism Industry Needs Comprehensive Growth Strategy

While domestic and inbound tourism improved in the latter half of 2022, the industry is not expected to fully recover from the pandemic until 2025 – a situation that looks grimmer as a recession approaches, cost of living goes up, and consumer spending behaviour shifts. Ontario’s tourism sector is calling for a comprehensive strategy to address ongoing impacts of COVID-19 border closures, capacity restrictions, and structural issues.

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Cross Border Chambers Welcome End of ArriveCAN and other Border Measures

The Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce is delighted with the Government of Canada’s decision to end the mandatory use of the ArriveCAN app and other border restrictions. The Detroit Regional Chamber joined it’s Canadian counterparts in applauding the Canadian government’s decision.

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Windsor-Essex Chamber Successful at Ontario AGM: Support for Trucking Industry & Outstanding Advocacy Award

The Windsor-Essex Chamber of Commerce saw great success and recognition at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) Annual General Meeting (AGM), in Brampton, ON from April 28 – May 1.  Members of the local Chamber were in attendance to participate in policy and advocacy sessions with their peers from across the province. 

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Open letter from Canadian businesses to our elected representatives

Canadian businesses have suffered under the strain of constant disruptions over the last two years. The challenges they have had to overcome have included COVID-19, extreme weather events, increasing inflationary pressures, labour shortages and supply chain disruptions. Now achieving a successful recovery is threatened by the ongoing blockades of the critical infrastructure that enables the livelihoods and well-being of all Canadians.

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Joint Statement From Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce (WERCC), Detroit Regional Chamber (DRC) and Canada-U.S. Business Association (CUSBA)

The Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce President & Chief Executive Officer, Rakesh Naidu joined Sandy K. Baruah, President and Chief Executive Office, Detroit Regional Chamber, and Mark High, President, Canada-United States Business Association in a joint statement urging the United States government to reopen the border to Canadian residents safely.

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