The Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce is calling for proposals for décor for the 2023 Business Excellence Awards (BEA). The event is set for Wednesday May 17, 2023, at St. Clair College Centre for the Arts.
The BEA, now in its 32nd year, has attained a level of quality and high standards and has become known as the premier event of Windsor’s business community. In attendance will be award finalists and their guests, event sponsors, community leaders and Chamber members. This is the Windsor- Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce signature annual event.
The company providing the décor for the 2023 Business Excellence Awards must be a Member in good standing with the Windsor-Essex Chamber of Commerce or become a Member immediately upon being selected as the vendor. Information on Chamber Membership is attached, including the Savings and Benefits program available to all Members.
Cost will be a factor in the decision-making process, although not the only one. Proposals of full or partial sponsorship would be welcomed. We are open to suggestions and proposals that would enhance the marketability of the Chamber and improve our program. Please include décor pricing and options for a range of guests from 550 and up to a max of 850.
The deadline for an electronic proposal is
Wednesday, November 30th, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.
Red Carpet Arrival
Photo op area upon arrival at the awards. There will be a red carpet and photographer stationed at a BEA backdrop. Please quote on light décor and provide details on other ways you would dress this area up.
Proposed sit down dinner for 550-850 people. Décor required for tables, chairs, centerpieces as well as room decor. Please provide details. Last year we had 639 guests with 65 tables.
Photos and/or samples to review would be appreciated. Please include at least one corporate reference. Budget is not to exceed $8,000 plus HST (based on max capacity). Budget will be further reviewed with the vendor chosen when needs are confirmed. All proposals are held in confidence and the decision of the selection Committee is final. Please contact jtoner@tourismwindsoressex.com if you have any questions.
Come take a look at our 2022 Business Excellence Award Recipients here.