What is Excellence? Each year, the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce holds its Business Excellence Awards – the premier business awards show in Windsor-Essex.

This major event highlights a variety of businesses and individuals, each exhibiting their excellence in various categories. A rigorous judging process narrows down our finalists, with the Award Recipients being recognized the night of the event.

With a red-carpet arrival, elaborate awards show, and dinner succeeding the presentation, this is a fantastic event you won’t want to miss.

Award Categories

The ATHENA Leadership Award Program celebrates the potential of all women as valued members and leaders of the community and recognizes those who support them. The ATHENA Leadership Award honors individuals who strive toward the highest levels of business and/or professional accomplishment, women and men who excel in their chosen field, have devoted time and energy to their community in a meaningful way, and who also open paths so that other women may follow. Please note, non-profit leaders are not eligible for this award.

This award is meant to:

  • Celebrate the potential of all women as valued members and leaders in the community and recognize an individual who supports those leaders
  • Honour an individual who strives toward the highest levels of professional and /or business accomplishments
  • Recognize women and men who have devoted time and energy in their community in a meaningful way and opened paths so that other women may follow

*This award is judged by the ATHENA® Panel

This Award recognizes an individual or organization that has demonstrated a significant commitment to positive business development despite global market trends. The recipient has in place definite and precise goals that will result in diversity of our region and will enhance the economic growth and satisfy both individual pursuit for advancement and the overall economic development of our community at large.

This award is meant to:

  • Recognize an individual or organization that has demonstrated a significant commitment to positive business development despite global market trends
  • Highlight a recipient who has in place definite and precise goals that will result in diversity of our region
  • These goals will enhance the economic growth and satisfy both individual pursuit for advancement and the overall economic development of our community at large

*This award is judged by the BEA Committee

The nominee will demonstrate how they improve company culture, promote growth and innovation in the workplace, and have a vital role in the ongoing success of a business. They should also exhibit how they are a role model for their peers, as well as the community.

Eligibility Requirements

  • An individual who is an employee (NOT self-employed and not an owner) that is a proven leader and exceeds all expectations in their role within a business or organization
  • They improve company culture, promote growth and innovation in the workplace and have a vital role in the ongoing success of a business
  • They are a role model for their peers and the community
  • Examples would include municipality employees, directors of corporations and staff

The nominee will demonstrate an outstanding contribution to their local economy and the entrepreneurial spirit within the last two years. Additionally, they will demonstrate growth in the way of innovation, sales, employment creation, and acceptance in the market.

Eligibility Requirements

  • An individual who is an owner of at least one venture, which has existed for five years or more
  • Must have made a recent (within two years) outstanding contribution to their local economy and the entrepreneurial spirit of the community
  • Nominees will have at least ten years of related experience
  • They will demonstrate growth in the way of innovation, sales, employment creation and acceptance in the market

The nominee will be a young professional/entrepreneur who is ‘on the rise’. Nominees will be 35 years of age and under at the time of nomination and will demonstrate a proven commitment to our community through outstanding scholarship, achievements, and community involvement. The recipient must demonstrate innovative thinking, exemplary leadership qualities, commitment to making a difference, ability to engage and inspire others, and must act as a positive role model to his/her peers and colleagues. In addition, the nominee will demonstrate significant growth potential as a future leader in the Windsor-Essex community.

Eligibility Requirements

  • An individual who is accredited in their profession and is 35 years of age or under that demonstrates excellence in their field of business and positively influences the community
  • Nominees will have significant potential as a future leader showing signs of innovation and acceptance in the market
  • Examples include lawyers, accountants, consultants, health care professionals and non-profit leaders

The nominee will be an individual professional, who is self-employed or employed in a company or organization. This person has demonstrated excellence in his or her field of business in the recent past and has demonstrated leadership and positively impacted the community. Examples include CEOs, lawyers, accountants, doctors, bankers, consultants, etc. *Please note: non-profit leaders are NOT eligible for this award.

Eligibility Requirements

  • An individual who is accredited in their profession and is 36 years of age or over that demonstrates excellence in their field of business and positively influences the community
  • They are leading the way in their profession with innovation and acceptance in the market
  • Examples include lawyers, accountants, consultants, health care professionals and non-profit leaders

The nominee will be a person or organization that has made an outstanding contribution to the social, cultural, or economic well-being of the Windsor-Essex area, or a registered not-for-profit/philanthropic organization. This nominee positively impacted the community and demonstrated best business practices. In addition, the mission/objective/goals of the organization reflect a community need that has a clearly defined strategic plan.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Recognizes a philanthropic organization, person or business that has made an outstanding contribution to the social, cultural or economical well-being of the Windsor Essex area
  • Nominees will positively affect the community and demonstrate best business practices
  • The objective of the organization will reflect a community need and has a clearly defined strategic plan

The nominee will be a business that has demonstrated excellence in the areas of hospitality and tourism and has played a vital role in the growth of its sector. The business should demonstrate the critical success factors that have played a role in its success including employee relations, economic development/investment, business growth, and contributions to the community. This local business goes above and beyond providing extraordinary customer service and recognizes the importance of hospitality in the area as well as serving the community. Examples include wineries, restaurants, hotels, tourist attractions, golf courses, etc.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Recognizes a business that has become a destination for the Windsor Essex area
  • An ambassador that plays a vital role in the growth of their sector allowing others in their industry to also benefit from their success
  • Nominees provide amazing customer service and recognize the importance of hospitality in the area
  • Examples include wineries, restaurants, hotels, golf courses or other points of interest

The nominee will exemplify leadership and commitment to sustainable business practices and corporate social responsibility while achieving economic outcomes. They should demonstrate efficiency in reducing the environmental impact of their operations, leadership in establishing sustainability initiatives that have become linked to their brand/identity, and measurable accomplishments that demonstrate effective sustainable operations.

Eligibility Requirements

  • A business that exemplifies leadership and commitment to sustainable business practices
  • Nominees will have measurable initiatives that demonstrate adapting and improvising operations to allow for long-term success
  • Reduces environmental impact, improving efficiencies with technology
  • Shows a commitment to research and development in their industry
  • Adds noteworthy employment opportunities to our community and/or creating corporate culture

The nominee will be a new business or an owner/manager of a business venture that is at least one year old but no more than five years old at the time of nomination who has made an outstanding contribution to their local economy, and the entrepreneurial spirit. Nominees will demonstrate company growth including sales, profitability, growth prospects, employment creation and acceptance in the market. In addition, they will show commitment to research and the development of technological advances in the company’s industry sector.

Eligibility Requirements

  • A new venture that has been in business for a minimum of one year but no more than five years
  • Nominees will demonstrate their strategic goals
  • They will show how they accomplished these goals as well as a commitment to research and development of advances in the company’s industry sector
  • They will show forecasts of growth and employment creation

The nominee must have an active business in Windsor-Essex with 25 or less full time employees at the time of nomination. The nominee will demonstrate their strategic goals and how they accomplished them. In addition, they will show success in company growth including sales, profitability, growth prospects, employment creation and acceptance in the market. They will also illustrate their commitment to research and the development of advances in the company’s industry sector.

Eligibility Requirements

  • 25 or less full-time employees
  • Nominees will demonstrate their strategic goals
  • They will show how they accomplished these goals as well as a commitment to research and development of advances in the company’s industry sector
  • They will show forecasts of growth and employment creation

Please note: 3 part time employees = 1 full time employee

The nominee must have an active business in Windsor-Essex with 26 or more full time employees at the time of nomination. The nominee will demonstrate their strategic goals and how they accomplished them. In addition, they will show success in company growth including sales, profitability, growth prospects, employment creation and acceptance in the market. They will also illustrate their commitment to research and the development of advances in the company’s industry sector.

Eligibility Requirements

  • 26 or more full time employees
  • Nominees will demonstrate their strategic goals
  • They will show how they accomplished these goals as well as a commitment to research and development of advances in the company’s industry sector
  • They will show forecasts of growth and employment creation

Please note: 3 part time employees = 1 full time employee

Innovation Award

Sponsored by University of Windsor and University of Windsor Alumni Association

Accu-Label Inc.

Joseph Sleiman, President/CEO

Affinity Outdoor Living Products

James Gibb, Owner/Founder

Integrity Tool and Mold

Paul DiGiovanni, President/CEO

Company of the Year (26 or more FTE)

Sponsored by St. Clair College of Applied Arts & Technology

Families First Funeral Home

Jennifer Wells, Marketing Manager

Handy Bros. Home Comfort Inc.

Kaleena Cryderman, Marketing

Tolmie Orthodontics

Greg Tolmie, Owner/Orthodontist

Company of the Year (25 or Less FTE)

Sponsored by Families First Funeral Home & Tribute Centre

Little Foot Foods Ltd.

Robert Myers, Co-Owner

Melt Body Health

Monica Borrelli, Owner

ONESource Moving Solutions

Danielle Wellings-Carriere, CEO

New Company of the Year

Sponsorship Opportunity Available

Kava Café & Bakery

Emily Bas, CEO/Co-Owner


Parimal Parikh, Owner

NextGen Mold Technologies

Dennis Goggin, President

Pillars of Our Community

Sponsored by Motor City Community Credit Union

Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association

Luciana Rosu-Sieza, Executive Director

United Way Centraide
Windsor-Essex Chatham-Kent

Lorraine Goddard, Executive Director

WindsorEssex Community Foundation

Lisa Kolody, Executive Director

Professional of the Year

Sponsored by TD Commercial Banking

Barry Emara, MD, FRCS(C)

Barry. Y. Emara Medicine Prof. Corp., President & Director

Jason Melo,
CPA, CA, CFP, TEP, CPA (Illinois)

Melo LLP, Founder & Chairman

Jamie Mingay, BA, CAIB

Insurance Store Inc., President/CEO

Business Ambassador of the Year

Sponsored by RBC Royal Bank

Renaldo Agostino

City of Windsor, Ward 3 City Councillor

Mike Clark [Retired]

Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid
Society, Manager PR/Fund Development

Jason Toner

Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island,
Vice President of Marketing & Communications

Tourism & Hospitality Award

Sponsored by Caesars Windsor and OLG

Colchester Ridge Estate Winery

Bernard Gorski, President

Scarehouse Windsor

Shawn Lippert, Co-Owner

Wilderness Retreat & Nordic Spa

Shaelyn Whiston, Operations Manager

Young Professional of the Year

Sponsored by Libro Credit Union

Katharen Bortolin

The Hospice of Windsor & Essex County, Executive Director

Brandon McBride

Sequoia Financial Group,
Wealth Management Analyst

Amanjit (Amy) Kaur Verma

Earnest Immigration & Citizenship,
Director & Co-Founder

ATHENA Leadership Award

Sponsorship Opportunities Available

Helga Reidel [Retired]

Enwin Utilities Ltd., Chief Executive Officer

Believe Windsor-Essex Award

Sponsored by WFCU Credit Union

Colleen & Richard Peddie

Black Dog Entertainment

Entrepreneur of the Year

Sponsored by Doane Grant Thorton

Michael Piccioni

CanAm Currency Exchange, Founder

Relive the excitement of the 2024 Business Excellence Awards. Discover the outstanding winners and finalists who set the bar for excellence, and explore the unforgettable moments captured on the red carpet.

Award Winners & Finalists

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Red Carpet Photo Gallery

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